A Better Way to Control Blood Pressure
Follow the example of a primary care practice in Ohio that has successfully achieved > 90% blood pressure control in its patients with hypertension.
Experts And Viewpoints, November 17, 2023
Heart Rate Variability: Ignoring a Harbinger of Health?
Many of today's fitness wearables provide HRV scores, but we may be paying too little attention to their significance in health and disease.
Experts And Viewpoints, October 25, 2023
Global Health Professionals Must Continue to Prevent Nuclear War
A meaningful medical response to nuclear war is wishful thinking. Healthcare professionals, who know this better than anyone, must unite to prevent such a catastrophe.
Experts And Viewpoints, August 28, 2023
Human Frailty Is a Cash Cow
What they used to call "sugar diabetes" grew into a sweet deal for capitalism.
Experts And Viewpoints, August 23, 2023
Who Owns Your Genes?
Ten years ago, Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court passed legislation to safeguard your genetic information. Did it?
Experts And Viewpoints, August 01, 2023
Death Is Not the Enemy
Humans seem all too willing to embrace the harmful behaviors that can bring on premature death, the real foe.
Experts And Viewpoints, June 26, 2023
Let's Value Health Instead of Wealth
Dr Lundberg invites readers to work with him on ways to improve health and thus build a happier, wiser society.
Experts And Viewpoints, May 15, 2023
Healthcare in America: Let That Tapeworm Grow
Our sickness care system is one helluva jobs program.
Experts And Viewpoints, April 11, 2023
'They All Laughed When I Spoke of Greedy Doctors'
Dr George Lundberg comments on unchecked greed and salve lucrum (the glorification of profit) in health and medicine.
Experts And Viewpoints, March 20, 2023
Are We Transfusing Too Much Blood?
Pathologist George Lundberg questions the necessity of administering 16 million units of blood or blood products in a single year.
Experts And Viewpoints, January 30, 2023
ChatGPT: To Bot or Not to Bot?
Chatbots are taking the information world by storm, including medicine and scholarly medical publications.
Experts And Viewpoints, January 25, 2023
Care, Not Incarceration, for the Mentally Ill
A new law in California puts the emphasis on psychiatric treatment rather than jail or homelessness.
Experts And Viewpoints, December 08, 2022
The Orifices -- Where Most of Medicine's Money Is Made
Over the course of a long career, Dr Lundberg has witnessed huge, even astounding advances in what he calls orificial medicine.
Experts And Viewpoints, November 02, 2022
How an Expert Would Manage Her Own Advanced Cancer
Dr Lundberg is hosting a series of Q&As with cancer experts on his blog, Curious Dr. George.
Experts And Viewpoints, September 23, 2022
Would You Like to Live to a 'Ripe Old Age'?
We can control much about our quality of life, our length of life, and parameters of dying, by our volitional actions. Here's my advice.
Experts And Viewpoints, August 31, 2022
Why We Order Lab Tests Redux
Is ordering a test that comes back negative a sham treatment or a good placebo?
Experts And Viewpoints, August 03, 2022
Sweet Holey Pillow Dreams
Dr Lundberg treats his own suspicious ear lesion. Did he have a fool for a patient?
Experts And Viewpoints, June 20, 2022
Profiling Killers: ID-ing Mass Shooters Before They Strike
We aren't using all we know about mass shooters who plan to kill themselves as well as others.
Experts And Viewpoints, June 07, 2022
Is the AMA Irrelevant or the Main Player?
Books and articles expose the problems inside medicine but solutions don't seem to follow.
Experts And Viewpoints, May 03, 2022
How and Why the Language of Medicine Must Change
Words matter. Which of today's commonly used terms need updating, and what are better alternatives?
Experts And Viewpoints, March 30, 2022