This site is intended for healthcare professionals

Medical Lifestyle Reports


  • Medscape Physicians Eye Retirement: 2023 Report Physicians of various ages reveal their financial goals for retirement and the personal and professional lifestyles they want to lead after practicing medicine.
  • Medscape Nurse Career Satisfaction Report 2023 Several categories of nurses describe what makes them happiest and unhappiest with their career, how the abuse they experience shapes their views, and other facets of career satisfaction.
  • Medscape Female Physician Wealth & Debt Report 2023 Female physicians discuss their track record in building family net worth and reveal how they feel about their savings, spending, investing, and other aspects of personal finance.
  • Medscape Physicians and EHRs Report 2023 Physicians reveal how long and how their medical practices have used electronic health records (EHRs), where they have ongoing concerns, and where they hope for improvements in EHR systems.
  • Medscape Oncology Practice Issues Report 2023 Oncologists offer insights into how they address time pressures, career paths, malpractice risk, ethical dilemmas, and their own wellness.
  • Medscape Physicians and Nonclinical Careers Report 2023 Physicians who are poised for a major career shift away from clinical work reveal their motivations, expectations, timeframes, and potential roadblocks.
  • Medscape Physicians and Malpractice Report 2023 A Medscape survey reveals the top reasons why physicians are sued for medical malpractice, amounts of successful claims and malpractice premiums, and how the experience affects their lives.
  • Medscape Female Physician Compensation Report 2023 Physicians reveal their attitudes about gender discrimination, whether it arises in staff and patient interactions, and how those challenges affect their lives and practices.
  • Medscape Residents Lifestyle & Happiness Report 2023 Medical residents reveal their biggest rewards and challenges of residency, describe efforts for work-life balance and a social life, and discuss whether the quality of residency is improving.
  • Medscape Physician Side Gigs Report 2023 Physicians tell their peers whether they have a side gig outside of work, how much they like and earn from it, why they took on a side gig in the first place, and their future ambitions.
  • Medscape International Physician Compensation Report 2023 An average physician’s annual earnings and current net worth in the US is compared with doctors in 10 other countries in North America, Europe, and South America.
  • Medscape Physician Assistant Burnout Report 2023 Physician assistants reveal the causes and consequences of ongoing burnout, plus how they address depression.
  • Medscape RN/LPN Compensation Report 2023 RNs and LPNs reveal their annual compensation and work satisfaction, and give perspectives on peers, career paths, and unions, plus other crucial insights.
  • Medscape Young Physician Compensation Report 2023 Doctors younger than 40 years enjoyed healthy pay increases on average in 2022. They reveal how salary gains affected their job satisfaction as well as the gender pay gap.
  • Medscape Resident Salary & Debt Report 2023 Medical residents weigh in on their compensation and its fairness, work benefits, school debt load, work weeks, and other aspects of their training lives.
  • Medscape Hospitalist Wealth & Debt Report 2023 Hospitalists report their successes and failures in building wealth, controlling spending, managing debt and expenses, investing smartly, and maintaining a comfortable lifestyle.
  • Medscape Medical Student Lifestyle Report 2023 Medical students reveal their concerns about job stress, financial worries, and work-life balance, among other issues. They also tell how consistently they feel burned out and what they do about it.
  • Medscape Physician Behavior Report 2023 Physicians reveal how often they see fellow doctors misbehaving in person or on social media and recount some of the worst physician behavior they have witnessed.
  • Medscape Employed Physicians Report 2023 Employed physicians reveal the pros and cons of their jobs, income and bonus structure, roles in the organization, and corporate policies and rules.
  • Medscape Nurse Practitioner Burnout & Depression Report 2023 Nurse practitioners continue to fight overwork, stress, depression, and burnout. They're coping slightly better than during pandemic times but are still facing many challenges.