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Emergency Medicine Perspective

  • How to Prescribe Zepbound Recently approved tirzepatide joins semaglutide as an option for patients with obesity. Beverly Tchang, MD, offers her recommendations based on her experience for prescribing.
  • Medscape Nurse Career Satisfaction Report 2023 Several categories of nurses describe what makes them happiest and unhappiest with their career, how the abuse they experience shapes their views, and other facets of career satisfaction.
  • Why Are Prion Diseases on the Rise?   Remember the outbreak of "mad cow disease" in the 1990s? Creutzfeldt-Jakob is increasing again, but this time, we don't know why.
  • Why I Don't Worry About Nephrotoxicity With Zosyn   Dr Paul Auwaerter explains why a warning about nephrotoxicity doesn't influence his decision to use Zosyn when it's indicated.
  • Is Lifelong LDL-C Lowering Within Reach?   Michelle O'Donoghue interviews Verve CEO and cardiologist Sekar Kathiresan about PCSK9 gene editing to lower LDL cholesterol and the findings of the heart-1 study.
  • Revamped APS Criteria and Their Impact on Clinical Research Dr Medha Barbhaiya and Dr Doruk Erkan answer questions about the new ACR-EULAR criteria and how they improve upon Sapporo APS classification criteria last updated in 2006.
  • Change Makers: Bill Meury on Transformative Medicines Bill Meury, president and CEO of Karuna Therapeutics, speaks with WebMD Chief Medical Officer John Whyte, MD, about the differences in drug development in psychiatry and the importance of innovation.
  • 5 Things to Know: Improving Antibiotic Use in Telemedicine CDC's epidemiologist Guillermo Sanchez, PA-C, MSHS, MPH, shares strategies to incorporate antibiotic stewardship into telemedicine appointments.
  • Return to Play in Athletes With Acute Myocarditis An expert analysis of the recommended protocol.
  • Medscape Female Physician Wealth & Debt Report 2023 Female physicians discuss their track record in building family net worth and reveal how they feel about their savings, spending, investing, and other aspects of personal finance.
  • Episode 6: Thinking Beyond TROP2 at ESMO 2023   What were the biggest takeaways from ESMO 2023 related to TNBC and IBC? Tune in to hear experts Drs Kevin Kalinsky and Filipa Lynce discuss.
  • Are You Sure Your Patient Is Alive?   Someone knows when a person has died, but a shocking lack of sharing that news is causing problems for clinicians, families, and health systems.
  • Parenting the Addicted: Scenes From a Substance Abuse Clinic Parenting an adult child with a substance abuse problem often involves making painful choices that look senseless — or worse — to an outsider.
  • Predicting HF Worsening: Speech Analysis Beats Weighing Scales   Heart failure experts, Ileana Piña and Bill Abraham, discuss the HearO study on the use of AI for detecting congestion remotely and other tips and tricks they have learned over the years.
  • Key Updates in Diabetes From AHA 2023   Highlights in diabetes from AHA 2023 include a meta-analysis of the DAPA-HF and DELIVER trials, therapeutic effects of SGLT2 inhibitors, and the lag in uptake of this therapy in the clinical setting.
  • How Low Should You Go? Is Very Low LDL-C Safe? Drs Connie Newman and Seth Martin highlight the evidence supporting the safety of very low LDL-C levels, and how maintaining low levels protects against CV events such as MI and stroke.
  • Infographic: Doctors Grade Their EHR Systems Physicians reveal how well they think their employer's electronic health record (EHR) systems are or aren't delivering on certain key features.
  • Is Fructose to Blame for Obesity? Recent studies have pinned the obesity crisis on fructose. Caroline Apovian, MD, argues that it may be time to ban it.
  • Mental Health Characteristics of Refugee Children Since 1983, when I was a child and fled as a boat refugee from Vietnam with my mother, the international plight of displaced people has only worsened.
  • Wisdom From a Scottish GP: The Lost Art of Convalescence   The final Medicine and the Machine podcast guest, physician and author Gavin Francis, shares his approach to keeping his occupation rewarding and satisfying.