Influencer 'Doctor Mike' Shares His Social Media Tips
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'Doctor Mike,' With 10M+ Viewers, Shares His Social Media Tips

Robert Glatter, MD; Mike Varshavski, DO


December 01, 2022


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Robert Glatter, MD: Welcome. I'm Dr Robert Glatter, medical advisor for Medscape Emergency Medicine. Today, we have Dr Mikhail Varshavski, otherwise known as "Doctor Mike," who is a family medicine physician and well-known social media medical influencer.

He's joining us to discuss how he has spent the past several years debunking medical misinformation, helping to allow people and healthcare providers alike make better-informed decisions about their own healthcare during the pandemic and beyond.

Welcome, Dr Mike. It's a pleasure to have you join us.

Mikhail Varshavski, DO: Thank you so much, Dr Glatter. I'm really excited to be here to speak on a subject that I'm incredibly passionate about.

Glatter: I want to start by asking you about how you approach patients when they come to you with bits of medical misinformation and myths that don't clinically make sense.

Varshavski: The main reason why I got into posting videos on social media was because of my frustration of seeing patients being misled on something that they've seen online or even on television, thinking that was a shortcut to success for them to have a healthy outcome. In reality, that success would only come through putting in some level of effort, whether it means getting a good night's sleep; eating a healthy, varied diet; or putting in the work to go to the gym. It's very tempting for them to see a shortcut miracle cure-all supplement on social media and wonder, Why is my doctor not recommending me that?

It was my experiences during my residency that really inspired me to say, we need to do a better job in media at debunking this misinformation. I think it stemmed from the fact that there was an absence of quality, evidence-based physicians online doing it effectively.

Glatter: I think that's important. Traditional medical and healthcare systems have shied away from social media in the beginning of things. I think you're aware of this, and now it seems like every hospital is online, on TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook. That really is the way to get to the population and to reach your audience. Clearly, now that there's been this bandwagon that everyone has jumped on, as you point out, it's very important to have evidence-based and accurate information.

Could you highlight some of the most egregious examples of medical misinformation from videos that you've encountered on various social media platforms?

Spread of Outrageous Conspiracy Theories

Varshavski: For me, the scariest ones are the ones that start debunking the trust that we have with medical institutions that start spreading conspiracy theories, whether it's about the COVID-19 vaccines or COVID-19 testing. Right now, the problem of misinformation has been extremely highlighted because of the pandemic that we're in and the importance of fighting back against that misinformation.

For me, that was a goal even prior to the pandemic, but it was quickly accelerated with the need to put out accurate information. That's why, despite me being a younger doctor, the viewership on the videos educating on the misinformation that comes surrounding the vaccines are in the millions. These are millions of people that are skeptical. They don't know what to believe. They're looking for some guidance.

Recently, there was a frightening report that younger demographics are using TikTok as their main search tool. They no longer go on Google and type in "COVID-19 vaccine." They now do it on TikTok. That's very dangerous, because that's a place where I've seen misinformation thrive.

Glatter: Absolutely. If you're going to use TikTok as a search engine, that's really problematic. I think that's very important that you bring that up. This is an uphill battle. As social media evolves and they have the search capability, this is what we're dealing with.

Varshavski: We as doctors can look at a video of a social media wellness influencer talking about different types of water being more acidic than others, and that you need to drink "basic" water. We can see how ridiculous that is because we know that once the water goes into your stomach, there are gastric juices there that are so acidic that it doesn't matter if your water is a pH of 6, 7 or 8, but the average person doesn't know that. They feel like they have to spend what limited health budget they have on that water as opposed to joining a gym or buying the healthier vegetables as opposed to the processed foods in the supermarket.

It's really about guiding people with our experience but doing it in a relatable way. That's where I seem to have the most success.

Glatter: That's a very important point you just brought up: being relatable. People are sometimes flooded with statistics, data, and papers. In other videos, I believe you mentioned this — getting to the human level and connecting with patients. That's something that you are excellent at. Maybe you can expand on that.

Varshavski: As a family medicine provider, I learned early on that even if you have a patient that fundamentally disagrees with you on a given topic, highlighting that disagreement early on only serves to make the problem worse.

If I have a patient that's coming in that is vaccine hesitant, my goal isn't to flood them with misinformation and prove them wrong. It's instead to find points upon which we agree. Saying that the illnesses that we're looking to prevent with vaccines are dangerous — boom, we agreed. Talking about that their children's health is what I'm trying to optimize as best as I can — boom, we agreed on something else. It's very easy from our training (and we have very limited communications training) to just give the statistical data that we know to be true, but then the patient might not know to be true. Instead, it's finding lines of communication upon which we agree and work outward from there.

One of the biggest policy changes that I've seen happen across certain offices, both pediatric and family medicine, is stopping the practice of removing patients if they are vaccine hesitant. Before, this used to be a policy, and now what we've realized is by excluding them from our practice, we're essentially guaranteeing that they're not going to get good evidence-based care in the future.

Developing Patient Trust

Glatter: To just remove a patient because they don't agree with your views is not appropriate. I think having that open discussion is important for developing that trust and restoring that trust in mainstream medicine.

A problem I see is that many Generation Z-ers and millennials don't have family physicians or internists; they just go to urgent care centers. Without that grounding, they can't establish that relationship. That's a problem, especially with the plethora of urgent care. Maybe you can comment on this.

Varshavski: Urgent cares fill an absolute gap in care in our current healthcare debacle, if you will. Many younger folks rely on them as a quick fix for their chronic problems. Quick fixes for chronic problems are nonexistent. If it took 10 years to create a problem, it's not going to go away with a single urgent care visit. Sure, you could put a Band-Aid on the problem, but you're never going to get a solution.

That's my goal as a primary care doctor. What I try and highlight, even when I'm doing videos reacting to The Simpsons or watching the show Survivor, it's explaining in a transparent, relatable manner, using something that's very known to the audience like these shows, what my thought process is like. What I think about when a patient walks in through my door with a certain problem, the types of questions that I'll ask, the reasons for certain tests that I would run vs not run.

When patients start getting on the same page as to your mindset and your thought process, that's where you get good outcomes. It's interesting that we're speaking about this from a very medical-heavy focus vs a patient focus, because we also see that malpractice lawsuits drop when you are open and transparent with your patients, when you give your reasoning as to why right now you don't think they warrant that CT scan for their abdominal pain when they're worried about appendicitis. It's only upon them seeing your mindset and the reasoning as to why you're choosing not to order it or choosing to order it that they will they feel like they are in control of their health and they're on the same team as you, as opposed to in a very antagonistic relationship.

Glatter: Right. It's not talking above them, but talking to them as a human being and how you want to be spoken to. Let's face it, there's a large amount of medical jargon. It's scary, and it's hard to use plain English to just talk to patients. We all try to focus on that. People in the media, like yourself, have a knack and a great ability to just talk plainly and to talk normally and not use medicalese and all this jargon, which scares patients quite a bit.

Varshavski: I think I'm lucky in the sense that being a younger doctor, I haven't spent decades speaking only to other doctors and other specialists. I still am accustomed to using the common language for many of these conditions in ways that I've learned in my training.

Because of that, I feel like I have a clearer way to describe certain illnesses to patients. I remember even for myself as a med student, being in a room with one of the top cardiologists in our hospital system, they're explaining to a patient their diagnosis and the potential treatments, and everything is spot on. Science, it's all there. But then when they walk out, the patient looks at me and they say, "What did they say? I have no idea."

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