Aspirin/Ketamine Combo Shows Promise in Pain Management
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Aspirin/Ketamine Combo Shows Promise in Pain Management

Robert Glatter, MD; Sergey M. Motov, MD; Joseph Habboushe, MD


August 02, 2022


This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Robert Glatter, MD: Welcome. I'm Dr Robert Glatter, medical advisor for Medscape Emergency Medicine. Today we have a distinguished panel joining us to discuss an important advance in pain management in the emergency department using a specialized form of aspirin and oral ketamine.

Here to discuss this new study is Dr Sergey Motov, professor of emergency medicine and director of research in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. Also joining us is Dr Joseph Habboushe, assistant professor of emergency medicine at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City and co-founder of Vitalis Pharma.

Welcome, gentlemen. I really appreciate you taking the time to join us.

Sergey M. Motov, MD: Thanks so much.

Joseph Habboushe, MD: Thanks for having us.

Glatter: Joseph, I want to start with you. It's very interesting how this aspirin that you describe in your study, VTS-Aspirin, has a very integral role in terms of its actions with ketamine. I wanted to start off and let you describe what exactly VTS-Aspirin is, its mechanism and the rationale behind its use.

Habboushe: Thanks so much for having us, first of all. We were trying to solve a very well-known problem in medicine, which is that we don't have that many great pain medications out there. Ketamine has been approved for decades. We know that in low sub-dissociative dose, from some other studies that Sergey had done in the past, it is a very powerful pain medication. The problem is that ketamine is limited in a few ways.

Number one is that it doesn't work that well orally. It doesn't have good bioavailability. Number two is that whenever you do see good pain reduction, you typically see dissociation and sedation rates that would limit outpatient or more common use. The third is how long it lasts. A single dose of ketamine wears off after about an hour, so that's not great for oral use as well.

We wanted to find a way to address these three known issues in ketamine because, if so, maybe we're going to be able to unlock a really powerful new drug that doctors can use to help their patients.

We were trying to repurpose VTS-Aspirin, this aspirin formulation that we had come up with years ago. This aspirin formulation, which we're calling VTS-Aspirin, was originally developed to solve a totally different problem. If you remember, high-dose niacin for cholesterol — vitamin B3 in really high doses — we know does tremendous things for your cholesterol and used to be a very commonly used drug.

It had patient-centered side effects that really bothered folks. It caused this painful, bright-red burning of the skin. My father was on this drug and he wouldn't take it as often as he should because of the side effect. It bothered me so much because we already knew that taking an aspirin 30 or 60 minutes before would significantly reduce that flush, but getting that timing right was really hard.

Of course, people who are on cholesterol medications are on aspirin anyway. It seemed like a problem we should try to solve. Over a few iterations, we eventually came up with the formulation of aspirin you could take at the same time as the high-dose niacin, and it would lower the flush. Eventually, we found out that this was also helpful when combined with ketamine.

Glatter: Sergey, in terms of the action of aspirin, the specialized form with ketamine, how do these two interact? Is there a potentiation mechanism? From what I've read, there may be some effect on the NMDA receptors, and that could actually reduce the analgesic efficacy of ketamine. It's kind of a paradoxical approach from what I'm trying to understand here. Maybe you can clarify this for me.

Motov: Aspirin sort of modulates the NMDA receptor presence toward increasing it. At least in theory, one suspects that maybe, at some point, it can diminish the analgesic efficacy of ketamine. Results of the study showed a completely different entity.

To our great amusement, they seem to work synergistically very well. It could be possible that there are some anti-inflammatory properties or some antinociception that plays a different role in the synergy. I'm a firm believer that maybe for some unknown reason yet to be discovered, there is some great deal of synergy combining a COX-1/COX-2 enzyme inhibitor and an NMDA receptor antagonist.

Glatter: I want you to jump into the results of the trial, the study design, primary and secondary outcomes, need for rescue analgesia, and go through the study with me to let our audience understand what you found in this pilot trial.

Motov: I'd love to. Again, the idea was to put the pilot together. It was a single-arm, prospective interventional study, sort of proof-of-concept. As of right now, I don't believe that there are any studies ever done on oral ketamine at the scale that we've decided to do, especially in combination with proprietary VTS-Aspirin.

In all, 25 adult patients presented to the ED with a variety of acute musculoskeletal pathology. The reason we chose musculoskeletal pathology is that we frequently use NSAIDs and ketamine in my shop. It's one of the most common reasons patients can come in and require oral analgesia in comparison to parenteral.

The rationale was to look at the feasibility with respect to overall analgesic efficacy and tolerability, and, of course, the presence or absence of adverse effects. As Joe mentioned earlier, ketamine is notoriously known to cause a significant degree of dissociation and sedation.

Again, it was a single-arm, prospective interventional study. Patients received two capsules (324 mg; 162 mg per capsule) of VTS-Aspirin with a specific instruction to suck on the outer layer of the capsule for about 30-45 seconds and to subsequently swallow it. We used an injectable version of ketamine to administer it orally. Patients were instructed to sort of swish the liquid ketamine in their mouth for about 45 seconds or so and subsequently swallow it, which imitates the proprietary novel mechanism release of VTS-Aspirin and ketamine.

We used the research pharmacy to help us with the preparation of the medication. We added a little bit of sweetener to offset the bitter taste of ketamine and we used a dose of 0.5 mg/kg. The reason we had chosen this dose was that it was the minimally effective dose in a study by Lintner, who used oral ketamine for patients suffering from burns when they underwent burn wound dressing changes. That was shown to be the minimum effective dose. As you know, in my prior studies, I'm very big on using the lowest effective dose as potential to offset a great deal of adverse effects.

We enrolled 25 patients. Why? Because we used an effect size of 1.3 as a minimal clinically significant difference in the pain change score from baseline to 60 minutes. We used a standard deviation of 3. We used a one-sided thesis with a 97% confidence interval. That's how we came up with the number.

Here are the results. Of 25 patients, 20 achieved greater than 1.3-point change in pain score up to 60 minutes after medication administration. Overall, 60%, which is 15 out of 25, achieved greater than 4-point change from baseline to 60 minutes. Clinically, it translates to a 44.7% reduction in pain score from baseline. This is one of the largest we've had from the oral perspective. I've done studies on oral NSAIDs and we're talking about 1.7-2.2 points, somewhere around 30%. This was a whopping 45%.

More important, only one patient had a moderate degree of dizziness at 30 minutes and one patient had a moderate degree of sedation. The best part is that only 4% of patients, which is actually one patient, experienced moderate degree of feeling unreality, which can be equal to a dissociation, at 30 minutes, which basically resolved on its own at 60 minutes.

We've concluded that 80% of patients experienced greater than minimum appropriate effect in pain score change from baseline to 60 minutes. As I said, 60% of patients had a greater than 4-point relief from baseline to 60 minutes. The results were very, very encouraging.

Glatter: Because it's only 16% bioavailability orally, doesn't that, from the get-go, mean that you're giving someone a fractional dose of ketamine in the oral delivery route? How does that really play out? In other words, if it's such a small dose, how would that compare against an NSAID or simply another arm of the trial as a comparator?

Habboushe: That's a great question. When you take drugs orally, of course, often they act differently from if you get it IV or transmucosal, or what have you, because of first-pass metabolism. It actually happens for both of these drugs. Ketamine rapidly transforms into norketamine. Remember, norketamine is actually an active metabolite of ketamine. It just works a little bit differently.

The way we're giving it to patients is meant to have as much transmucosal absorption as possible. Sergey was describing that even the ketamine was swished around the mouth. The aspirin is also designed to do that, so there might be some avoidance of first-pass metabolism, which will help with this.

I think we are also most likely seeing some kind of synergistic effect of how aspirin, which is known to upregulate part of the NMDA receptor, could hurt the beneficial effects. There's probably something going on with that in terms of the ketamine and norketamine and the NMDA receptor, and how there is modulation of the NMDA receptor with aspirin.

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